What's on?
New to Ramsey
Into crafts? Why not come along to one of our Craft nights
Or if you want to join our Men's breakfast for a full English breakfast!
There is plenty on offer and we would love to meet you. Do get in touch if you want to get involved!
We are very proud of our music here at St Thomas à Becket.
We have an active choir who sing regularly in Sunday services and at weddings and funerals. Twice a month, we have our Junior Choir from aged 7.
We sing a range of music from traditional hymns and anthems to modern worship songs. We use both the organ and music group to enhance our worship.
Friday night is practice night:
Junior choir Friday before the 1st and 3rd Sunday 6.15pm – 7.15pm
Adult choir every Friday 6.45pm – 8pm

Bell Ringing
Fancy giving bell ringing a go? Come along to our Tuesday night practices at St. Thomas à Becket Church from 7.30pm - 9.00pm.
No need to get in touch, just come along and we'll show you the ropes!
Contact Cathy 01487814680 if you have any questions or would like more information.